Windows 10: how to search for and delete duplicate files

Under Windows 10, several tools are available to identify duplicate files and get rid of them to free up space on the hard disk. The storage capacities of SSD or HDD media are counted in hundreds of GB, or even TB now. Nevertheless, space can be a precious commodity that should be used as much as possible. Here is our selection of the best duplicate file deletion software.

Weeks, months, and years go by. The data piles up on your hard disk or SSD disk and then comes the day you realize that the available space you thought was infinite is starting to get tight. From the outset, you are thinking of cleaning to free up space.

It is never cheerful to get rid of your files. Even thinking that we would no longer need it, there is still this little tweezers on the bottom that tells us that this could change in the future. When internal conflict sets in and you become undecided, there is always a more straightforward way to start: remove duplicates. Here are four of the best solutions to do this under Windows 10.

Windows 10: the best tools to search and delete duplicate files on your computer

The software of this type performs a complete scan of the hard disk. Even if we refer to them as duplicate file detection and deletion tools, sometimes the same file can be found in three, four or even many more different places, taking up unnecessary space. These programs make it possible to identify them all, not just by name. Other criteria may also be taken into account: such as size, creation date, file type, etc.

Duplicate Searcher: a simple, powerful and free solution

With its full name Duplicate & Same File Searcher, this tool is one of the best free options available. The solution has many unique features, starting with the algorithm it uses, which also supports the detection and creation of NTFS hardware links. The analysis of the supports is done a byte by byte and compares the extensions, without necessarily basing itself on the names, which makes it possible to widen the field of detectable duplicate files, in particular, those which do not necessarily have the same name.

The detected duplicate files are listed in a simple way. The user will be able to easily recognize and delete those he wants to get rid of.

SearchMyFiles: a quality choice, with advanced filtering options

SearchMyFiles is another new solution that plays well in the category of duplicate removal solutions for Windows. It is appreciated for its many filtering and comparison options. You can reduce your search by file size, extension, date, time, and more. Once the list of duplicates has been generated, you can directly delete any additional files that are not needed.

CCleaner: popular tool on the market

It is impossible not to mention his name, even if it is likely that this is not the first time you have heard of this tool. Few software programs are as complete as CCleaner. And one of its features is precisely to identify duplicate files, with the possibility of deleting them.

However, CCleaner offers many more possibilities, such as cleaning cookies and temporary files that can sometimes take up several GB of space, not to mention the registry repair feature that makes your system more stable.

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder: another free program

A popular solution that makes it easy to find and delete large duplicate files. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder is a completely free solution that scans your specified folders to identify duplicates. It presents them in a simple and ergonomic interface. You have different parameters to refine your search: file types, minimum/maximum size specification, creation dates, etc.

Identifying and deleting duplicate files is not the only way to free up space on your hard drive or any other type of storage media.

Martin is passionate with everything computer related and spend most of his days trading currencies online and watching the markets go up and down!
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