Clean your computer with these 8 tips!

You own a computer. It is ideally suited to your needs and fulfills its functions to the fullest. But if you don’t take sufficient care of it, it won’t last long. Our site gives you 8 tips to take care of your computer!

1) Turn on your computer

You probably have software that you don’t use, some of which launch at startup. These take up space for nothing and slow down your machine unnecessarily.

Solution: Uninstall the software you don’t need and free up space.

2) Be careful with emails

Too many users get trapped by opening emails from sources they don’t know. It is the best way to get trapped!

Solution: As soon as you spot an email with a suspicious sender or subject line, don’t open it and delete it. Your computer will be all the better for it.

3) Clean it up

Your computer attracts dust and small particles that pass through the air vents and clump together inside your machine. Too much dust can cause your device to lose performance and overheat.

Solution: Open the cover and remove the excess dust. If you are not used to opening computers, it is best to leave this operation to a specialist. You could damage your computer, and it will take more than a bit of cleaning to get it back on its feet.

4) Keep your computer up to date

The components of your computer and the software installed on it need to be updated regularly. Whether for security or performance reasons, it is essential to keep them up to date.

Solution: Check as often as possible for the availability of new software or driver updates. For software, most often, a notification informs you of a new update. For drivers, a suitable solution is to refer to the DriversCloud software.

5) Do not download anything

When you download software, viruses can sometimes slip in and infect your computer. Also, when you install software, manufacturers include small programs, toolbars, search engines, and other programs that you don’t need. The most common symptoms are changing the home page and adding a toolbar on the web browser.

Solution: Download your software from trusted sources only. When you start the installation of a program, read the small conditions with a check (or uncheck) box. This simple tip can save you a considerable amount of time uninstalling and chasing unnecessary programs.

6) Cleaning up

When you use your computer, small files can be created. These are not dangerous, but when there are many of them, they can affect the performance of your computer.

Solution: CCleaner

A safe, efficient, easy to use, and free tool. An indispensable tool for cleaning your machine. It offers two exciting features which are cleaning your computer system and repairing your registry. The first one will improve the performance of your computer while the second one will fix bugs.

7) Have a quality antivirus

Antivirus protects your computer from attacks and computer threats that you may experience while surfing the Internet. You must have one because you are never safe from malicious software.


  • Windows Defender: Windows Defender is the native protection software of the Windows operating system. Although less potent than its paying competitors, it remains a very reliable solution for free software. It will be able to detect malware and other common threats lurking on the web.
  • Paid Antivirus: You can also invest in a paid antivirus to ensure that your computer is protected. There are many solutions available, including BitDefender, Kaspersky, and Norton. You can choose to protect 1 or more PCs with a license.
  • Malware Bytes: That is not an antivirus but an anti-malware program (malware or malware). Programs that are specially designed to cripple your system and prevent it from working correctly. Once launched, it will scan your computer and detect the threats present and then eliminate them. Practical and easy to use, it is a software that we recommend you use regularly.

8) Do it regularly

Computer maintenance should be done periodically. Don’t wait if you want it to last long. Don’t wait for the first signs of fatigue and act now.


That should be enough to give your computer a good run for its money.

Nevertheless, if even after following these tips carefully, it shows signs of fatigue, it’s time to come and see us.

Martin is passionate with everything computer related and spend most of his days trading currencies online and watching the markets go up and down!
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